Since marijuana use has been legalized, accidental poisonings in children have increased, sometimes requiring visits to the emergency room or hospitalization. First 5 San Diego has partnered with Rady Children’s Hospital to share ways parents and caregivers can safely store […]
Tag: Health
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month
It’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month! We know that talking, reading and singing to our little ones are all ways we can help their brain develop. But did you know that nutrition also plays a big part in their physical and cognitive […]
STI Awareness Month
Caring for your child starts before they are born. The month of April is Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Awareness Month and we are sharing some tips from our friends at the American Academy of Pediatrics, CA Chapter 3 (AAP-CA3) to […]
Children’s Dental Health Month
It’s Children’s Dental Health Month! We have teamed up with the County of San Diego’s Oral Health Program to provide tips and resources on best oral health practices for babies and kids, and how caregivers can access free dental screenings […]
5210 Every Day!
As we start making our way into the holiday season, it’s always a good time to incorporate better food habits! Join the San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative and their “5210 Every Day!” campaign. This nationally recognized, evidence-based campaign aims […]
Breastfeeding Resources
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month and we want all the new momma’s or soon-to-be mom’s to know about the local resources available to them. Breastfeeding Resource Guide The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition put together this guide as a […]
Fox 5 San Diego: Breastfeeding Awareness Month
Our partner, UC Health Milk Bank, went on Fox 5 San Diego to discuss the benefits of breastfeeding and breast milk, the challenges for working moms and donating breast milk to the Milk Bank. Learn more:
The germ called Coronavirus; a short guide for children
Do your kids have questions about Coronavirus? Are they confused about the stay at home orders and how it is affecting their lives? Check out this great children’s book that explains what Coronavirus is, why we are staying at home, […]
First 5 San Diego Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of Launching Healthy Development Services (HDS) throughout San Diego County
Fifteen years ago, resources made available by First 5 San Diego funded the creation and implementation of Healthy Development Services (HDS). HDS is a system of care that screens and treats young children with mild to moderate behavioral and developmental […]
January – March 2020 Newsletter: Sleeping Tips to Help Expectant Mothers During Pregnancy
Finding comfortable sleeping positions when pregnant can be quite a difficult task. Many women may experience fatigue during the first and third trimester. Sleep during the third trimester often becomes a struggle due to rising progesterone levels and having to […]