August is National Breastfeeding Awareness month and we want all the new momma’s or soon-to-be mom’s to know about the local resources available to them.

Breastfeeding Resource Guide

The San Diego County Breastfeeding Coalition put together this guide as a central resource for information such as breastfeeding helplines, providers of lactation services, hospital breastfeeding services, general resources, ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) services, and WIC offices serving San Diego County.

Breastfeeding Consultant

A consultant can help you with breastfeeding pain, latching, low milk supply, pumping, over supply and more. While there are options to hire someone, talk to your pediatrician or insurance provider first. There may be free options available to you.

UC Health Milk Bank

If you are unable to breastfeed or provide your child with breastmilk, there may be an option to use donated milk. Or if you have an over supply, you can find out more about donating to help NICU and preemie babies.

Support Groups

Hearing and learning from other moms can be very beneficial. There are a variety or free or fee-based groups around the County.

WIC Support

If you’re pregnant, considering breastfeeding, or are actively breastfeeding, WIC can help provide the services and support you need to meet your breastfeeding goals.