Children can be read to no matter how young they are—whether it’s reading aloud, playing spelling games, creating stories, designing a reading challenge, or exploring new books— literacy is a part of every day.  Our friends at the United Way San […]

November marks the 25th anniversary of the passing of Proposition 10, a groundbreaking initiative that uses revenues from a tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products as a lifeline for early childhood development programs in California. However, the future of these […]

Voice of San Diego’s 2023 Parent’s Guide to San Diego Schools helps families make informed decisions for their child’s education. The guide breaks down school choice opportunities and enrollment deadlines, universal transitional kindergarten, what’s available for after-school care, school performance […]

It’s Children’s Dental Health Month! We have teamed up with the County of San Diego’s Oral Health Program to provide tips and resources on best oral health practices for babies and kids, and how caregivers can access free dental screenings […]