For babies and toddlers every experience teaches them something new. Talking, Reading, Singing and Playing help children’s brain development, socio emotional development, communication skills and so much more. Through playtime activities, parents and caregivers can support children’s development of math […]

First 5 Program HighlightThe Children’s Initiative The Children’s Initiative is a San Diego based non-profit that works to ensure that San Diego’s low-income and under-served children and families reach their full potential by promoting services, programs and policies that respond […]

Children today are growing up in an increasingly diverse world. They are eventually going to be exposed to people of different races, cultures and backgrounds as they continue to grow. Along the way, they are going to meet others whose […]

Thanksgiving is a special holiday for many families because during Thanksgiving families typically get together, enjoy a feast and discuss the things they are thankful for. Thanksgiving was intended to celebrate good fortune and express gratitude; however, it is important […]

Reading with your children as a parent and/or caregiver is imperative to their mental and educational development. Literary practice has abundant benefits and is proven to advance children’s performance in school; which ultimately stays with them into adulthood. Parents and […]

With children needing more and more stimulation, it is easy for them to get lost in video games. This occupies their time for a while; however, this also hinders their learning about health and hygiene. It is important to have […]