Sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night, but babies need a lot of sleep. When they are between four and 11 months old, they need 12 […]
Tag: Helpful Tips
Newsletter March – April 2018: April is the Month of the Military Child
Celebrating the Little Heroes Red, white and blue with a touch of camo ─ colors we would naturally associate with the children of military members. However, the color that best represents the life of the military child is purple, the […]
Newsletter March – April 2018: Director’s Corner
Making a Brighter Future for 2018 in San Diego County On Jan. 1, many of us made resolutions about our health, time management, habits or relationships. While these all have value, allow me to suggest another idea – resolve to […]
Newsletter January – February 2018: Your Baby’s First 6 Months
In the first six months of life, there are impressionable and important milestones likely to be achieved. However, keep in mind that each child is unique, and can develop at his or her own pace. Developmental milestones begin when after […]
Newsletter January – February 2018: The Importance of Routines in your Child’s Development
One of the most important things you can do to make your young child feel safe is to establish as much routine in their life as possible. Children (and adults) feel the most secure when their lives are predictable. When […]
Newsletter January – February 2018: How to Tell if your Child is too Sick for Preschool
It’s every parent’s nightmare: waking up to a child crying, “Mommy, my head hurts.” Now you have to go through the gauntlet of factors to determine if it is okay to send your child to school or daycare. Can your […]
Newsletter January – February 2018: Happy New Year
Happy New Year First 5 Families and Friends! With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season now over, many parents may find it challenging to get their little ones back into their normal home and school routines. As parents […]
Newsletter November – December 2017: Serving Sizes for Toddlers
Children grow and develop rapidly during the first year. But when your child becomes a toddler, growth slows. Thus, the amount of food they need to thrive changes as well. Here is a general guide for feeding your toddler, ensuring […]
Newsletter November – December 2017: Raising a Grateful Child
Gratitude is one of the trickiest concepts to teach toddlers and preschoolers – who are by nature self-centered – but one of the most important. By learning gratitude, they become sensitive to the feelings of others. Instilling grateful feelings now […]
Newsletter November – December 2017: Music’s Role in Child Development
From birth, parents instinctively use music to calm and soothe children, to express their love and joy and to engage and interact. Parents can build on these natural instincts by learning how music can accelerate brain development and improve language, […]