Here are a few family friendly events happening around the County in August. We hope to see you there! Movies in the Park Join us on August 13 at Sweetwater Regional Park for a showing of Sing 2 and head […]
Tag: Community
Fox 5: Day to Donate
First 5 San Diego Executive Director joined the San Diego Food Bank on Fox 5 San Diego for the Annual Day to Donate. From Dec. 1 to Dec. 25, donate a $5 pre-filled Hunger Bag at checkout at your local Albertsons or […]
Study Highlights Approach, Benefits to Connecting Early Childhood and Elementary School Data
The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE), First 5 San Diego, and Harder+Company Community Research recently released a study that highlights how San Diego County successfully linked student data between preschool and kindergarten, something no other county in the […]
First 5 San Diego and San Diego for Every Child Create Fund to Support Essential Workers Pay for Child Care
First 5 San Diego is providing $500,000 to the San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund to help parents with children ages 0 through 5 who are working in essential jobs pay for childcare. The amount ensures expanded access to the fund, […]
First 5 San Diego Warm Line
The First 5 San Diego Warm Line is open and available to families in need to get connected to programs that could help them during this time. 2-1-1 San Diego, which is a free 24-hour phone service and online database, […]
First 5 Leading The Way for Maternal Mental Health Care
First 5 San Diego, the region’s primary organization for improving the lives of children ages zero through five, released a new report on the work they have been supporting focusing on Maternal Mental Health since 2013. A child’s healthy development […]
Newsletter July – August 2019: First 5 High Five
The New Children’s Museum Do you think your child might enjoy jumping on a pile of mattresses and foam tires? How about crawling through the holes in a giant cheese or climbing the layers of a colorful hanging net? If […]
Newsletter July – August 2019: Director’s Corner
Early Education Early education and early education funding are causes near and dear to my heart. San Diego County, like many other counties around the country, has thousands of young children ages 4-5 who are slowly getting ready for kindergarten. […]
Newsletter July – August 2019: Healthy Eating Demo
On May 15, 2019, First 5 San Diego partnered with Food 4 Less and Channel 93.3 to provide the community a chance to win prizes and Food 4 Less gift cards. Then, again on June 15, 2019, First 5 San […]
Newsletter July – August 2019: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
On May 28, 2019, First 5 San Diego in partnership with the San Diego Foundation had the honor of hosting California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris on her statewide listening tour. Dr. Harris is a nationally recognized pediatrician, the […]