First 5 San Diego recognized Fred Baranowski during the October 8, 2018 commission meeting for his dedication to the First 5 San Diego Finance Committee. Fred began serving on the Finance Committee in February 2007 and quickly stepped up to become the Finance Committee Chair in July 2009. Fred still currently fills the position and has presided over 79 Finance Committee meetings.
Fred’s dedication to the First 5 Commission is remarkable. He has always volunteered his time and efforts without having received any compensation for his countless hours of service. Although recently retired, Fred had a successful career in banking, most recently serving as Senior Vice President of Banner Bank.
During his tenure as Chair of the Finance Committee, First 5 San Diego has earned the distinct Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program (CAFR Program) from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) four years in a row. This award is given to a government unit that goes beyond the minimum requirements to prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) that evidences the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. This award represents the highest honor in government financial reporting.
First 5 San Diego sincerely appreciates and recognizes Fred Baranowski for his continued service and dedication to this organization. Thank you, Fred!