“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver
Mother’s are often the hardest working people many of us know. Mothers are tasked with many roles and responsibilities that are endless and traditionally overlooked and unacknowledged.
The role of being a mother is one that is unlike any other; mothers make sacrifices to provide a safe, nurturing and loving environment for their children. Mothers are often the emotional backbone of a family and provide a sense of comfort that theoretically cannot be found elsewhere. So, it’s important to sit back and acknowledge all mother’s and mother figures in our lives. This year, people will be celebrating these amazing women in their lives on May 12, 2019 (May 10, 2019 in Mexico). Please remember to join in the festivities and make sure the mothers (including yourself) are remembered and acknowledged for the hard work endured each and every day.
One may ask themselves, “Why is a mother’s affection important?” Below we will discuss the science around the importance of mother’s in a child’s life. There is science that supports the idea that “warmth and affection expressed by parents to their children result in life-long positive outcomes for those children” (Child Trends). Some of these positive outcomes include higher self-esteem, improved academic performance, better parent-child communication and fewer psychological and behavior problems. Skin to skin contact between a mother and her baby can help calm babies when they are crying and trying to go to sleep as well as boost their brain development. The benefits of maternal affection go well beyond the early years of childhood, children of all ages benefit from affection, as it can help relieve anxiety and stress to be comforted with a mother’s hug.
A 2013 study from UCLA found that unconditional love and affection from a parent can make children emotionally happier and less anxious. This is because the brain changes as a result of affection. Similarly, the negative impact of childhood abuse and lack of affection impacts children mentally and physically. According to the study scientists think parental and/or caregiver affection can protect individuals against the harmful effects of childhood stress. The bond between a mother or caregiver and her child is often one of the strongest forces that is present in the life of a child. Often a gut feeling will be the reason mothers or caretakers check in on a sleeping baby or why they take their child in for a doctor checkup. A mother’s intuition is, a one of a kind gift, that can be explained as an instinctual feeling that makes her act to assure the well-being of her child. This Mother’s Day we want to recognize all mom’s for always being their children’s #1 champion and assuring they are healthy, loved and nurtured.
Thank you, mothers, caretakers and female role models, for all that you do!