Children can be read to no matter how young they are—whether it’s reading aloud, playing spelling games, creating stories, designing a reading challenge, or exploring new books— literacy is a part of every day.  Our friends at the United Way San […]

It’s the new year! Let’s get back to healthier habits.  Re-Establish Routines Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back into a routine.  Establishing routines can help families function more cohesively. When parents stick to routines, children […]

The theme for this year’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month is “Nourish, Sustain, Thrive,” and aims to promote the importance of lactation support, recognize the work organizations are doing to support new parents and families, and highlight advocacy efforts.  The nutrition from […]

Healthy Development Services (HDS) is an array of services for early identification and treatment of children with mild to moderate developmental delays. Services include assessment and treatment for developmental (including speech and language) and behavioral concerns, parent education, and care coordination […]