First 5 San Diego is providing $500,000 to the San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund to help parents with children ages 0 through 5 who are working in essential jobs pay for childcare. The amount ensures expanded access to the fund, which was established in March by San Diego for Every Child, a coalition of individuals and organizations working to end the experience of child poverty in San Diego County. Our $500,000 donation is being matched by San Diego for Every Child’s Chair, Sara Jacobs bringing the total to $900,000.

“We are listening to the needs of our families and responding the best we can to support them during this challenging time. We want to help ensure that parents who are working outside of the home have access to quality childcare and know that their kids are in a stable and healthy learning environment,” said Alethea Arguilez, Executive Director of First 5 San Diego. “It is an honor for First 5 San Diego to contribute to this fund, so our youngest children and their families can get the support they need.”

Parents who are essential workers will be able to apply for vouchers from the San Diego COVID-19 Children’s Fund to help them pay for childcare so they can continue to work. With this contribution, even more families will benefit from the fund, which now totals $1.1 million.

“First 5 San Diego’s generosity will help us accelerate and continue the efforts we have put in place to support our families and young children,” said Erin Hogeboom, San Diego for Every Child Director. “We are grateful for their contribution and the impact it will have throughout San Diego county during this incredibly difficult time.”

To apply for a voucher or make a donation to the fund, please visit