The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend using a cloth face covering to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
We put together a list of guides to help you make your own using common household supplies. Below is a list of guides to help you make your own (DIY) face coverings. These coverings can be used to protect you and your family and can be made using common household supplies. DIY coverings are not medical grade (usually). These are used to minimize exposure while in a public setting.
Keep in mind, it is recommended that these face coverings should be laundered between uses for maximum effectiveness. You should also avoid touching your face covering when wearing. If you do touch your covering, wash your hands. It is important to remember to frequently wash your hands throughout the day for at least 20 seconds.
This helpful and easy to follow video provides visual step-by-step instructions for how to make a simple face covering with no sewing required using fabric and a pair of hair ties.
This slightly more advanced video tutorial shows you how to make a face covering for you and your loved ones out of any tee shirt.
This step-by-step text tutorial shows you how to make a more durable and fashionable covering using some common craft supplies and a bit of sewing.
This handy guide comes with a printable template to DIY your own coverings of different sizes for you and your little ones!
This last easy-to-follow guide linked below provides a guide for how to sew your own face coverings for people with a basic understanding of how to sew.