Development Milestones Ages 0-1 Years
The loving, holding, changing diapers for, talking to, and feeding your baby are the first things to focus on.
Development Milestones
Ages 0-1 Years
- Quiets to familiar voices or sounds
- Reacts to loud sounds: baby startles, blinks, stops sucking, cries or wakes up
- Makes soft sounds when awake, baby gurgles
- Coo, gurgle and sigh
- Smile back when you smile
- Respond to voices
- Push up with arms when on stomach
- Turns eyes or head toward sounds, voices, noise making toys, dog barking
- Starts to make speech-like sounds, “ga,” “ooh,” “ba,” and p, b, m sounds
- Reacts to a change in your tone of voice
- Cries (with tears) to communicate pain, fear, discomfort, or loneliness
- Babbles or coos
- Loves to be touched and held close
- Returns a smile
- Responds to peak-a-boo games
- Responds to own name and looks when called
- Understands simple words, “no,” “bye-bye,” “juice”
- Babbles, “da da da,” “ma ma ma,” “ba ba ba”
- Drools, mouths, and chews on objects
- Reaches for cup or spoon when being fed
- Drinks from a cup with help
- Enjoys some finely chopped, solid foods
- Closes mouth firmly or turns head when no longer hungry
- Responds to both soft or loud sounds
- Repeats single words and imitates animal sounds?
- Points to favorite toys or food when asked
- Needs at least 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in-between
- Enjoys drinking from a cup
- Begins to eat finger foods
- Continues to explore everything by mouth
- Crawls well
- Pulls self to a standing position