Development Milestones Ages 3-4 Years
Give your child a chance to meet and play with other children.
Development Milestones
Ages 3-4 Years
- Stumbles over words sometimes—usually not a sign of stuttering
- Listens attentively to short stories; likes familiar stories told without any changes in words
- Recognizes familiar words in simple books or signs (STOP sign)
- Understands the concepts of tallest, biggest, same, more, on, in, under, and above
- Counts 1-7 objects out loud
- Understands order of daily routines (breakfast before lunch, lunch before dinner, dinner before bedtime)
- Uses the toilet with some help (many boys may not be ready for toilet learning until age 3-1/2)
- Puts on shoes (but cannot tie laces)
- Dresses self with some help (buttons, snaps, zippers)
- Feeds self (with some spilling)
- Uses a spoon, fork, and dinner knife skillfully
- Needs 10-12 hours sleep each night
- Dresses self without much help
- Accepts suggestions and follows simple directions
- Sometimes shows preference for one parent (often the parent of the opposite sex)
- Enjoys helping with simple household tasks
- Can make simple choices between two things
- Takes turns and shares (most of the time); may still be bossy
- Understands and obeys simple rules (most of the time)
- Changes the rules of a game as he/she goes along
- Likes to talk and carries on elaborate conversations
- Persistently asks why; may name call, tattles freely