B Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of the-February 13, 2017 (pdf)
C Opportunity for Public Comments
D Commissioner Recusal Reminder
E Consent Calendar
Item 3: Approval of the FY 2017 – 18 Operating Budget, Sustainability Fund Budget, Financial Spending Plan, and Contract Amendments
Item 4: Budget Adjustment for Contract #545596 with the Children s Initiative for the Childhood Injury Prevention Program
Item 5: Budget Adjustment for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) F5CSD-00020 with the Health and Human Services Agency for the Breastfeeding Friendly Environment Initiative
Item 6: Sunset Review of a Commission Policy
Item 1. Acceptance of the FY 2015-16 First 5 California Annual Report(pdf)
Item 4. Budget Adjustment for Contract #545596 with the Children’s Initiative for the Childhood Injury Prevention Program (pdf)
Item 5. Budget Adjustment for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) F5CSD-00020 with the Health and Human Services Agency for the Breastfeeding Friendly Environment Initiative (pdf)
Item 6. Sunset Review of a Commission Policy (pdf)